The development of Artificial Intelligence in its most diverse applications has seen considerable growth in recent years, and the trend is confirmed in the experts' forecasts for 2023.

In particular, it is increasingly evident that, given the large amount of data processed, an innovative management is necessary that helps to make the most of such wealth, offering companies concrete possibilities for optimization and performance improvement. Obviously this development has raised, and continues to raise, important questions about the security of this information. Often sensitive data that travels on the net and is processed at various levels and is exposed to cybercriminals.

After all, digital innovation, which is far from stopping, is proceeding at a rapid pace, involving more and more companies, and not just large multinationals, both in the private and public sectors, from the production to the logistics, from the health sector to the financial one, all sectors can benefit from artificial intelligence and machine learning applications but require a rethinking of the entire digital infrastructures, to support increasingly pressing workloads.

Although artificial intelligence has been talked about for a long time, proposing tragic scenarios for man and his possibilities of use, only in very recent years have we moved on to practical applications, in various areas of business and above all in our daily reality, if we think to customer care or marketing by emphasizing its usefulness in addressing, for example, talent shortages or automating repetitive jobs.

The global scenario

A recent report by IBM has highlighted how the greatest diffusion of AI applications is found in China and Singapore, while among European countries the first is Italy, which is in 4th place, behind India. If the implementation has been gradual, the trend for the near future is very clear, in fact only 20% of companies do not plan to implement Artificial Intelligence.

Automation remains the most popular use, followed by use in security and data analytics for business development and to improve governance. Strong growth is expected in the use of Artificial Intelligence in the sector of content creation, conversation and virtual assistance.

Relying on solutions that use artificial intelligence can lead to significant advantages for a company.

Here are the main advantages for companies:
  • Cost reduction and increased productivity;
  • Greater knowledge of the company reality thanks to data analysis;
  • Increased revenue through process automation;
  • Reduction of losses due to errors that can be avoided thanks to the greater and more detailed information available to management.

Trends for the future

For the year that has just begun, particular attention is expected to Artificial Intelligence by the supply chain sector, which could benefit from important optimization with a reduction in production costs and greater punctuality in deliveries.

Sustainability and energy efficiency also play a key role in the development of businesses, which suffer from cost increases of up to 100%. Artificial Intelligence can prove decisive with savings of up to 30%. 2022 saw a growing demand for Artificial Intelligence in the context of strategic decisions, and this trend is also confirmed for the near future, with a margin for improvement in predictive capabilities, with current tools, reaching 60%.

Security will increasingly be a key factor. Businesses need to be in control and keep their data safe and digital systems are increasingly complex. An ecosystem that requires greater automation to identify threats and intervene more effectively.


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