More and more cities are entering the smart world, in Italy a still very recent concept, but in the rest of the world increasingly under the lens of IT security.
Smart buildings and smart cities expose infrastructures to new problems and new attacks. Quoting Rick Driggers, Accenture Federal Services' Critical Infrastructure Cyber Lead, on day one of CyberTechEurope 2022:
"Critical infrastructures represent one of the most sensitive elements of our society and the most exposed to possible cyber attacks.
This - he explains - because the operators who manage these infrastructures are late in developing a culture of safety, which has happened much more quickly in other sectors. Today it is absolutely essential for companies operating on the strategic infrastructures of countries to adopt a proactive policy towards information security. There is a need for convergence between physical and digital security systems in order to guarantee constant supervision and effective protection, given that any attack could have high costs and interruptions to the supply of essential goods for communities such as lines of electricity supplies, oil and gas pipelines, water pipes, etc. "(ANSA)
In this scenario, many companies are working in synergy to protect private and state infrastructures and to be able to manage the enormous amount of data that the advent of these new cities will produce.
Big Data Analytics, AI-based algorithms and Machine Learning techniques allow you to manage and analyze the huge amounts of data accumulated by the various IoT devices, as well as to extract fundamental information to proceed with the creation of targeted security solutions.
These new solutions will have to deal with old ghosts that as in the past will be part of the corollary of attack techniques also for smart buildings such as Denial-of-service (DoS) and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, Phishing and spear phishing attacks, Password attack, Malware attack etc.
The World Economic Forum has analys and G20 Global Smart try Alliance (experts in the smart city sector) have worked on an analysis on a sample of smart cities to outline potential procedures in the management of data privacy. It emerges that there is still a long way to go in order to have a clear global picture on data management. In fact, if we observe the evolution of security strategies we realize that the maturity recently reached in the cyber field has been a progressive but slow goal, precisely for this reason smart cities are an important node that should not be underestimated but requires particular solutions and particular study in a landscape that allows fewer and fewer errors on the management of sensitive data.